Control your races!
The RaceCTRL application assists you with real-time timing analysis and extrapolation to the end of the race.
More details

Analyse timing information during races
Connect yourself to the timing feed to analyse and understand live timing information.
Main supported feeds: Le Mans, WEC, FE and Blancpain series.
Display cars on the track map
RaceCTRL calculates the positions of all cars and displays them on the track map with different shapes and colors. With these positions, you will get gaps on track, you can evaluate traffic or anticipate your position after a pitstop.

Analyse your pace and the ones of your competitors
All sorts of graphs are at your disposal in order to compare laptimes, sector times or speeds.
Get a clear overview of the race
The race planner is a real summary of the race, with average paces, refuelling time predictions, calculation of the tyre degradations for each car. And a lot more including, for example, driving time monitoring.

Project yourself to the end of the race
Extrapolate the end of the race.
RaceCTRL evaluates the future pace and stint length of each car from collected data.
Edit your report for the debriefing
Generate an automatic report directly from RaceCTRL for the debriefing or export the recorded data in a csv file to use your own analysis tools.

Client/server software
RaceCTRL is a client/server software.

Multi-window interface
RaceCTRL’s multi-window interface is easily configurable. Views can be arranged in different layouts.

Collaborative tool
RaceCTRL is a multi-users application. It allows all team members involved in race strategy to work together.

RaceCTRL is a client/server software.
The RaceCTRL server is connected to the timing feed via a timekeeping interface. Relevant information from the feed is formatted. Each user can use the formatted data with RaceCTRL client.
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
CPU: Core i3 or higher
Memory: 4GB RAM

You can choose either the purchase of RaceCTRL licenses or an annual rental.
In addition to the purchase of licenses, you can buy an annual support. It includes some assistance by email to software users and free updates of the software covering improvements and maintenance. The support is included in the annual rental.
Note: Degressive prices according to the number of users.