Control your races!
The RaceCTRL application assists you with real-time timing analysis and allows you to build your own race strategy.

Real-time timing analysis
Connect yourself to the timing feed;
Analyse your pace and the ones of your competitors;
Get a clear overview of the race;
Project yourself to the end of the race!
RaceCTRL provides:
all the standard timing features,
some advanced timing features,
some new media features,
lots of custom features allowing you to design your own strategy engine!
Standard timing features
Classic leaderboard
Ranking, last lap time, last sector times…
Timing history
All the timing data provided by the timekeeper. Data which can be exported in a lot of different file formats for post treatment.
Timing graphs
Lap times, sector times, speed traps for selected cars.

Track map
Positions of the cars on the track in real time. Cars are positioned with the timing loops or with their GPS positions when available.

Ranking in distance of selected cars, with or without extrapolation until the end of the race.
Gap graphs
Instant gap
Picture of the gaps between a selected car and the others.

Race planner
Planning of the race for selected cars, with extrapolation until the end of the race.

Race direction messages
Messages from the race direction.
Advanced timing features
Possibility to move in time to watch the data at another moment than the current race time.

The software automatically ‘cleans’ the data and computes ‘smart’ averages, to provide a ready to use dataset for statistics and analysis.
Timing analysis
Speed analysis
When GPS positions are available, the software can compute the instant speed of each car, display it and compare it to the others.
Media features
Video + audio
Video and audio streams can be displayed live, recorded and replayed synchronised with the timing data for post analysis.

Audio to text
Automatically transform into text an audio from a video or audio stream.
Custom features
Users can create several layouts and arrange the windows depending on their needs. Layouts can be recalled quickly to display the requested information.
Custom layouts
Table configuration
Each table is customisable, choice of columns, columns order, filters and sortings, this in order to suit the needs of each user.
Compute the future using your own ‘in house’ strategy engine. Data will be exchanged over a REST API, allowing you to use any language to develop your own extrapolation model (Matlab, Python, C#, C++, Java, …).
Custom displays
User can define custom fields associated to laps, compute them with the strategy engine, and display them in views inside RaceCTRL.
Supported timing feeds
2 different working modes
In the standalone mode, the person in charge of the strategy can prepare the race and work on his own laptop from anywhere.
In the client/server mode, users can be connected together and share information in real time.
3 different versions
The starter version provides you with all the standard timing features on the standalone mode.
The standard version works either on the standalone mode or on the client/server mode. Some analysis is added as well as the possibility to record and replay synchronised video and audio. Access to the official Trackside software support is also available on this version.
In addition to the functionalities of the standard version, the advanced version allows you to design your own ‘in house’ strategy engine.
Standard timing features
Classic leaderboard
Timing history
Timing graphs
Track map
Instant gap
Gap graph
Race planner
Advanced timing features
GPS analysis
Timing analysis
Basic extrapolation
Media features
Video player
Video recorded for replayer
1 stream
24 streams
Audio player
Audio recorded for replayer
2 streams
32 streams
Audio to text
Custom features
Custom layouts
Table configuration
Strategy engine
Custom displays
Working modes
Client / server
Official TS support

Client/server software
RaceCTRL is either a standalone or client/server software.

Multi-window interface
RaceCTRL’s multi-window interface is easily configurable. Views can be arranged in different layouts.

Collaborative tool
RaceCTRL is a multi-users application. It allows all team members involved in race strategy to work together.

RaceCTRL is either a standalone or client/server software.
RaceCTRL can be used in 3 different modes, standalone, remote or server. In the standalone mode, each user is connected to the timing feed, information is not shared. In the client/server mode, only one instance of RaceCTRL is connected to the timing feed, as a server. Information is then distributed to the other users connected in remote mode.
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 10 (1607 or higher), Windows 11
CPU: Core i3 or higher
Memory: 8GB RAM

You can choose either the purchase of RaceCTRL licenses or an annual rental.
In addition to the purchase of licenses, it is possible to buy an annual support. It includes email support to software users and free software updates covering enhancements and maintenance. The support is included in the annual rental.
Decreasing prices depending on the number of users.
Cloud licensing and floating licenses.