Add-on to your real-time telemetry!
The LapMonitor lap-by-lap analysis tool allows you to get a wider view of what is happening on track.
More details
Get a wider view of what is happening on track
LapMonitor is a lap by lap analysis tool which analyses live a lap-report from the car’s telemetry.
Wintax and Atlas lap-reports are supported.
Plot graphs to see trends
While the cars are running, you get a new value for each channel at the end of each lap. These values can be plotted as a graph to see trends.
You can choose X axis as ‘laps’ or ‘time of the day’, although ‘X vs Y’ graphs are also possible. More than one channel can be plotted on one graph.
Create your own advanced alarms
There are several types of alarms available for each channel, including ‘Threshold’, ‘Moving Average’ and ‘Linear Regression’ (extrapolation to race’s conclusion). Each alarm is categorised into two levels: ‘Warning’ and ‘Alert’. You can also import a zone from a file to create an alarm for a ‘XY’ graph.
Set advanced filters
For each channel, you can set one or more automatic filters to exclude some laps or values.
It is also possible to manually filter laps or alarms. This way, you can manage alarms by deleting irrelevant laps from one or every channel, or completely remove an alarm that has previously been examined.
Detect issues at a glance
Merge you alarms together in colour-coded blocks, indicating which action needs to be taken. If they remain green then analysis isn’t necessary, while an orange or red block means an alarm has arisen. Double-clicking on the block will open the appropriate graph or layout.
Edit your report for the debriefing
During the session add your comments live on laps or channels.
Print a data report at the end of the session for the debriefing or for your records.
Standalone software
LapMonitor is a standalone software, light and easy to work with.
Multi-window interface
LapMonitor’s multi-window interface is easily configurable. Graphs can be arranged in different layouts.
Collaborative tool
Share your project with the rest of the team or use somebody else’s project as a reference (another session, another car).
LapMonitor is a standalone software.
It detects modifications of the lap report on the disk or network in order to collect the laps to display.
A lap report is a csv file created after each lap by the telemetry software (Wintax and Atlas lap reports are supported). It has to contain one calculated value per lap for each channel you want to monitor. This value can be calculated by different ways: average, minimum, maximum or something more elaborate, using the possibilities of the telemetry software.
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
CPU: Core i3 or higher
Memory: 4GB RAM
You can choose either the purchase of LapMonitor licenses or an annual rental.
In addition to the purchase of licenses, you can buy an annual support. It includes some assistance by email to software users and free updates of the software covering improvements and maintenance. The support is included in the annual rental.
Note: Degressive prices according to the number of users.